Homeschool has become part of normal parlance, particularly in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. CEO Anne Crossman was recently featured talking about the differences between proper homeschooling, and the virtual, arguably 100% passive learning and virtual learning that children, young people and parents have been going through since March 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“There are a lot of ways to educate from home, whether it’s a hybrid model, remote learning or a traditional, do-it-yourself Home School model,” said Crossman.
Effective homeschool means being involved in your child’s education
While a lot of learning-from-home has been largely based on going through both taught and online resources that are static, CEO Anne Crossman explains that homeschooling can take a number of different forms in order to help create an involved, active, dynamic way to deliver a learning experience. Crossman went on to say:
“In any case, the most important thing for parents to realize, is that they are managing their child’s education from home.”
Crossman provided some key questions that might support a newly home schooling parent as a result of the pandemic – with each of these questions bound to be ones that many parents and guardians are still asking.
- How do we structure the homeschool day?
- How do I figure out if it works for my child?
- Most importantly, how do I develop a community so that I have social support and my child [or children] have social support?
Crossman goes on to explain that the she is completely and thoroughly understand the home-schooling experience, having been home-schooled herself, which prepared her in going on to study at some of the most prestigious universities in the USA, Stanford and Duke, before teaching professionally and writing books on education.
You can find Anne Crossman’s top tips by watch the whole clip on Yahoo News here:
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